The Tailoring Students Did It!
Cheering for the DRC Tailoring School Graduates!
On January 28th, 70 tailoring school graduates celebrated the completion of a 9-month vocational training program and received their own sewing machines. These graduates demonstrated incredible perseverance and dedication during a school-year filled with uncertainty.
“It costs each one of us to be brave and stand firm in order to go far with the training. So, this success is the result of your prayers and encouragement. We were completely despaired, and the idea of receiving kits and certificates was just a dream. Unknowingly, the leaders were scrambling to make this glorious day happen and now the dream has become a reality.”
– Linda (Graduate)
Because of the tailoring school and the graduates’ hard work, the graduates’ dreams of starting their own business or obtaining employment is becoming a reality.
“Sewing is a profession that when you get started, you find lasting and considerable results. It makes you independent and considered in society. I witnessed the impact of this profession in the lives of the members of my church who have passed through the Tailoring School.”
– Vice Provincial President of the Church of Christ in DR Congo
Families, friends, and local officials gathered to celebrate this BIG accomplishment. One of the graduate’s mother expressed her gratitude through tears and joy:
“I bless the tailoring school because of what has just been accomplished in my daughter's life. I don’t have words to express my deep gratitude. Due to a lack of funds, my daughter could not cope with life. I wanted her to be responsible with an occupation instead of wandering here and there. You don't know the depth and the greatness of what you have just achieved in the life of my daughter and family. I will help her improve and move forward. You do not help her alone, you helped the entire family.”
–Mother of Graduate
The strategic hope of empowerment.
Rise Up works in partnership with local organizations in East and Central Africa, to EMPOWER vulnerable women and girls.
We believe in the potential of every human being and want to help women rise to their fullest potential. The truth is, when women are encouraged, equipped, and empowered, the transformation goes far beyond one individual to impact her family, community, and nation.
These women become agents of transformation in vulnerable communities and bring about lasting change.
“It is different from other so-called humanitarian organizations that provide food, drink, clothing, and even temporary shelters to serve as accommodation but leave those same people in eternal dependence. It's learning to fish instead of being given fish and you become autonomous and independent. And instead of being helped, you start helping others.”
– Linda (Graduate)