Investing in Sustainable Change in Baringo, Kenya
We continue to support sustainable change in the communities surrounding Baringo. Our work in Baringo includes value-based workshops with adolescent girls and the economic empowerment of 45 women.
We know the best way to play a part in bringing change is by coming alongside local leaders who speak the local language and understand the traditions and culture.
Sustainable change doesn’t happen overnight; it happens as women and girls rise up and assume agency for their own lives and leadership within their families and communities.
In 2023, a group of 45 women was identified to participate in trauma, recovery, resilience, and income-generating activity workshops. Rachel Mutai, our Kenyan Field Partner, leads this initiative with our financial support.
Part of this initiative was to help the women identify a business or trade with a higher probability of success based on their available land, skills, and interests. Twenty women received goats, three received chickens, and ten planted maize. To increase their knowledge, a Livestock Officer from the region shared the basics of goat rearing, poultry farming, and agriculture. In addition to farming and animal rearing, other women are receiving support for their hairdressing, tailoring, grocery, and second-hand clothing businesses.
In December, 78 teenage girls were invited to a workshop on identity, self-esteem, emotional health, healthy relationships, sexuality, the effects of female genital mutilation (FGM), and how to manage stress.
“Seeing hope in the eyes of these young girls was so encouraging and inspiring.” - Rachel Mutai
In rural areas like Baringo, women and girls are often marginalized and extremely vulnerable due to violence and other forms of corruption. Despite these circumstances, there is incredible strength, resilience, and potential within this community.
We are grateful to partner with Rachel and local leaders who believe in investing in the lives of women and girls.