The Healing Journey

In August, the Northern and Eastern Regional Women’s Leadership Training Initiatives (WLTIs) met for a week-long workshop. As the Trainers guided the women through the topic of Peacebuilding, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation, we could sense the women’s tenderness and God’s healing work.

After learning about what forgiveness is and what it is not, the women carried bricks to the foot of the cross as a symbolic expression of laying down their pains, sorrows, and un-forgiveness. For one woman, the burden was too heavy and she collapsed from the weight. It was a beautiful moment as another woman surrounded her, lifted the bricks off her head, and carried them to the cross on her behalf.

We ended our time together, washing each other’s feet as a reminder of Jesus as he washed the feet of those who would betray him. What a tangible expression of God’s love toward us!

Check out our time together.


Over Doubled Enrollment!


Time at Burera